We're pleased to make these high-school economics lesson plans available, free of charge. Each one includes everything you need to get started and all are mapped into NCEE standards.
  UFE is a national organization which raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. We support and help build social movements for greater equality.
  Reach And Teach creates and distributes social justice themed learning products focused on civil rights, economic justice, global issues, and non-violence.
  Ms. Giecek is currently an Organizational Specialist for the Virginia Education Association. A long-time social studies teacher, she authored the original curriculum and is an advisor on the development of these revised lesson plans.
  These lessons are made available, free of charge, through the generous contributions to UFE from individual donors and foundations including the Hancock Family Foundation AND DONORS LIKE YOU!
Defining Economics

Defining Economics How do you define economics? What's it all about? How does the economy relate to our lives and what's the difference between democracy as a political system and capitalism as an economic system?

The Ten Chairs The Ten Chairs Musical chairs in High School? Absolutely! Students act out the distribution of wealth in the United States. What is wealth and who owns how much of it? What are assets and debts? What changes have families seen in their economic condition between 1976 and today?  
Saving Accounts and Stocks

Saving Accounts & Stocks How do savings accounts function? What is interest? How do stocks function? What are dividends?

Born on Third Base Born on Third Base How do Americans acquire their fortunes? Is there really a level playing field or do some people start on third base? What impact does your level of wealth have on the types of assets you can acquire?  
Signs of the Times Signs of the Times What are the signs we are told to look for to gauge economic success? Does a rising GDP or GNP mean prosperity for all?  What would a pro-family economic agenda look like?